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Info Tech
Tech Startup Incubator
Facility Stats:
104 Co-Working Seats

DigitalC is a local nonprofit that works to address community problems through technology-driven programs and services. 

DigitalC, in collaboration with other local partners, has created a unique model of a community-oriented coworking space called the Midtown Tech Hive. Located in the renovated Frost Building at 6815 Euclid Avenue within the Health-Tech Corridor, the space is anchored by DigitalC along with TIES (the Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM). In addition to these longer term tenants, the building houses 104 co-working seats that attract entrepreneurs, employees and freelancers into the workspace.

The space is not just computers and Wi-Fi, but a community gathering space where neighbors can come together and learn how to better understand, and ultimately become active members of the digital age. Midtown Tech Hive is Cleveland’s first neighborhood innovation space dedicated to making Cleveland a thriving hub of innovation and digital inclusion. Programming includes civic tech events, art openings and classes, digital literacy training through DigitalC’s ReStart program, data & coding boot camps, entrepreneurial support, and community meetings. 

The City provided a Tech Delta Program (TDP) grant to make advanced technological improvements to the building, including a conference room, multi-purpose room, purchasing and installation of A/V systems, access control, CCTV, infrastructure, and wiring.