Storefront Renovation Program
The City of Cleveland’s Storefront Renovation Program (SRP) has been a resource for commercial property and business owners since the early 1980's. The mission of the program is to revitalize, support and promote our neighborhood retail districts through City-provided design assistance and financial incentive.
We are excited to announce that as of January 2025, the Storefront Renovation Program (SRP) has moved from the Department of Community Development to the Department of Economic Development! This transition will result in some adjustments as we improve program process and accessibility. Please note that the SRP Program is temporarily closed. New applications cannot be accepted or processed at this time.
We anticipate that the SRP Sign Only Rebate Program will be reopened to applicants in Q2, and the Building Rebate Programs will be reopened in Q3 of 2025. Updates will be posted here, as more information becomes available. To determine if your business qualifies for this or other incentives offered by our department please reach out to your Neighborhood Investment Manager in the Ward where your business is located.